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We often get asked what is the best advice for pre, and post, workout nutrition. It doesn't have to be complicated, and you don't have to go to extreme lengths to fit things in. Here is a quick breakdown on what's what and what you need!

Macronutritents (Proteins, Carbs, Fats) are the dietary building blocks we need to sustain the body. And yes, we need all three!

Micronutrients (Vit D, Magnesium, Vit B12, etc)  are there to help top up and sustain the body's functionailty. They work more towards immune system health, hormonal balance and our biochemistry.

Pre workout, we need sources of Carbs from whole food sources, consumed roughly 60-90 mins before training, to avoid indigestion. If that's not possible go for an isotonic sports drink, energy drink, cup of coffee or green tea.

Post workout it's all about protein to help repair our muscles - protein shakes, bars and high protein snacks are all worthwhile. Low fat greek yoghurt is great on the go, or a high protein based savoury meal if you have time is always a good idea. Just whenever you feel you want to eat is fine, there's no such thing as a magic protein window.

Just aim to have 1.5G of protein per KG of your bodyweight per day and you'll be good to go! 

In our members area we have shedloads of high Protein, low Carb or Vegan recipes for main meals, snacks, desserts, smoothies and more. Go and check it out using the button below 👇🏻 See? Simple!